文学のタスク : Bungaku, only 3days Film Project!! Part 1 eng.ver

okay, now i try to post my blog in english. Though my english is bad, i hope minna can enjoy it. Those about 2weeks ago, when i didn't come to bungaku class (i'm terribly sorry Rena Sensei). I heard that we'll make a group for some Japanese's literature appreciation's tasks. Okay, from the start, i think i'll appreciate it on make a film. On that day, i sent message to my friend, hey, how about the task? and my friend take a long time replied it, yeah, the good news is...we are in the same group!but ... we must perform in early april! (6th april). FYI, my group is the first group that must perform. My group literature's title is : Claudius's Diary, the story about Claudius who killed her brother c'z him married with someone who was loved by Claudius. Only 2weeks? make a film? and the worst : i'm the elder. Let we see, a movie?

1week passed. 
We didn't make any progress yet. I try to lobby the sensei, but sensei said, "try it,". However i tried it, i can't. Thanks for JI*N for broke our concentraition. My group's friend give a full concentration to perform drama in JI*N. On that time, i must do something, i think. So, i begin to write the script (just one day, no, 1hours). But, this Claudius's story is really boring, and i didn't read it all. The story most like Hamlet. And, i can said this is totally borinng.

I have written the script, and the member of the group have agreed for the script. Let's make a movie~!
but, wait, the handycam??
Oh my God, none of us have a handycam, so we borrow one to classmate. Alhamdulillah, but one more ... we can use the handycam from 2nd April (that JI*N's Day).
Script :
Scene 1
Lokasi : samping FPMIPA n lap.tenis baru
Waktu : siang hari
Take 1 : Afi berjalan sepulang kuliah, lalu ia berhenti melihat langit
Take 2 : Sorot kaki, buku jatuh
Afi melihat ke bawah (t1)
Take 3 : sambil berdiri melihat ke bawah
Jongkok, mengambil buku
Take 4 : A memanggil afi
Afi melihat, lalu berdiri sambil memegang buku (t.3)
Take 5 : menanyakan buku apa
Take 6 : pulang bersama-sama
Pake B.Jepang, tapi ntar diubah k B.Indo (kyk nodame)

Scene D1
Mengetahui kenyataan
Uya kuya version, unek2 
Lokasi : Al-Furqon
Hipnotis gk mempan soalnya di masjid ..haha, jadinya curhat

Scene D2
Datang ke perkawinan, mengingat masa lalu
Naik sepeda, bersama-sama
Backsong : tohoshinki DKSNSD

Scene D3
Melihat keceriaan pacarnya bersama yang lain
Lokasi : Rumah, kampus

Scene D4
Kematian kakaknya

Scene D5
Menikah, mulai perlakuan tak enak dari keponakannya

Scene D6
Penyiksaan oleh keponakannya

Scene D7
Mengetahui keponakannya menyukai seorang pria (teman anaknya)

Scene D8
Temannya mati

Scene D9
Mengulang peristiwa kematian kakaknya

(membaca akhir dari buku harian) “...memejamkan mataku,” “nggak ada sambungannya lagi,” (membolak-balikkan buku, menoleh pada adiknya)
(adik tersenyum) “ngantuk kak ... tidur yuk,” “udah jam dua pagi ternyata”
(kakak tersentak melihat jam) “Masya Allah..! ayo..besok kakak harus bangun pagi,”
(Adik berbaring, matanya masih menerawang, lalu menoleh pada kakaknya yang sudah tertidur di sampingnya sambil tersenyum) “kakak pasti capek, harus istirahat”
(Mencekik kakaknya)
(kakak mati)
“Kak? Bangun kak..bangun!!”
(Tersentak bangun, ngos-ngosan, menoleh pada kakaknya yang tertutup selimut) “fiuh, cuma mimpi ternyata” (membangunkan kakak) “kak, bangun..kak” (tidak ada jawaban) “kak..” (membuka selimut) 


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